Snacking and Cavities

It's summertime and everyone is snacking, but when you snack are you thinking about cavities?
Cavities are preventable, and we consider it our purpose to give all of our patients as many tools and as much information as we can so that our patients can become cavity free and stay cavity free for life.
More to Know About Tooth Decay and Cavities
Sure, we have written about cavities before but we were inspired by this post from the dentist dad and changed the chart up a bit to make it our own. Turns out that he was inspired by the University of Washington and the guide they made.
So here's our version:

Please use our tooth snack guide as a resource for making healthy decisions.
More Than Just Candy Causes Tooth Decay
You may be asking yourself: doesn't all sugar cause tooth decays and cavities?
Yes, sugar is sugar; however, sticky sugars such as crackers, pretzels, dried fruit and granola bars seem to create more problems than slippery sugars such as yogurt and ice cream. While it’s ok to enjoy an indulgence every now and then, we recommend generally avoiding the items on the list that usually cause cavities. This is especially true for sugary drinks like fruit juice, sports drinks and soda.
By choosing your snacks wisely you’ll have more cavity free check-ups in your future.
Are you looking for a dentist in the Farmington, CT area? If so, call us at 860-676-2288 today or request an appointment here. We look forward to seeing you soon!