320 Main St.
Farmington, CT, 06032
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Orthodontics Farmington

OrthodonticsFARMINGTON, CT

A Farmington Village Dental we offer a variety of orthodontic solutions for you and your family.  These include but are not limited to short term orthodontics, traditional orthodontics, straightening teeth with clear aligners, and myofunctional orthodontics.

Short Term Orthodontics

If you are like millions of adults who are self-conscious about their crooked or spaced teeth but don’t want to spend years in braces, then short term orthodontics could be the solution for you. With this system Dr. Nadeau can help you achieve the straight, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted in an average of just six months!

This technique focuses on the front teeth and uses the latest technology to move your teeth efficiently and safely.

The shorter treatment time is possible by focusing on only the teeth that show when you smile and not making any significant changes to your bite. The process moves teeth with low forces and shape memory wires making the short treatment time safe, effective, and relatively comfortable. Due to the shorter treatment time and the cosmetic focus, Short Term Ortho is also more affordable than traditional comprehensive orthodontics.

Click here to learn more about short term orthodontics and how they can help you!

What Makes Short Term Orthodontics So Revolutionary?

  • Treatment typically takes between six and twelve months.
  • The low force on your teeth and short overall treatment time result in increased safety and comfort.
  • It is often less expensive than traditional braces or porcelain veneers.

SureSmile Clear Aligners

If you want to straighten your teeth but you don’t want to wear braces with wires, then aligners are a great option for you.  In our Farmington, CT office, we use SureSmile Clear Aligner technology to help our patients achieve predictable and lasting results with their orthodontic treatment.

Aligners are removable trays which fit over your teeth.  These clear, custom trays are comfortable to wear and are hardly noticeable.  Patients love the fact that they can take these trays out to eat and they also love that they get to brush and floss their teeth like normal.  Another bonus that comes with using aligners is that there are fewer appointments necessary as compared to traditional treatment with braces.  Call us today to schedule your free consultation and we’ll be happy to go over all the details.

Myofunctional Orthodontics

Early Dental Intervention Can Prevent Future Complications

Since we can identify orthodontic concerns very early, it’s best to not let those problems continue and develop as your child grows. Parents often have a misconception that their child will grow out of the problems that we see early. In fact, it’s the opposite – a child will grow into their problems and the problems will just get worse.

The two photos below are of pediatric patients who had early myofunctional intervention. 

In order to combat early orthodontic problems, we are proud to offer modern orthodontic techniques that focus on your child’s overall health and well-being in addition to their teeth. These techniques can vary in approach and can also vary by name. Some terms you may hear us or others call this would be myofunctional orthodontics, interceptive orthodontics, or preventative orthodontics. In all, this type of approach focuses on the underlying cause of your child’s malocclusion instead of just treating the symptom of crooked teeth. There is significant focus on the musculature of the mouth and the habits that are affecting a child’s growth and development. When we correct muscle dysfunction we can develop the jaw bones to their best genetic potential. When started early enough there is a possibility we can avoid braces for your child in the future.

Last but not least, myofunctional orthodontics focuses on the development of your child’s airway. Unfortunately, many children these days are plagued with chronic ear infections and undergo the removal of their chronically inflamed tonsils and adenoids. By developing the jaw bones and correcting a child’s growth we can help improve your child’s ability to breathe and we can help your child potentially avoid surgery.

In the image below, notice the significant improvement in the patient's profile:

To learn more about how your child could benefit from seeing a dentist in Farmington, CT that loves to treat kids, please contact Farmington Village Dental today for a detailed consultation or to schedule an appointment.

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Monique and Stephanie
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