Halloween Candy Give Back 2017

As Halloween approaches, it's time for our 2017 Halloween Candy Give Back.
This year we will be donating all of the candy to the VA in Newington. The organization, Soldier's Angels, will then distribute the candy to local Veterans and their families, and also to deployed soldiers around the world.
Drop off days and times are November 1st and 2nd from 9am to 5pm and also on November 3rd from 9am to 3pm.
The first 100 people to drop off candy will have their choice of some thank you gifts as a "sweet swap". Check out our Facebook events page to see what they are!
This year we are having a contest among the Farmington Elementary Schools. The school that has the greatest number of donations will receive $500 for their PTO. We hear the the competition is going to be quite fierce!
Check out our flyer:

We have gotten a few questions regarding WHY we do this event the way that we do.
First and foremost, we firmly believe that we should not have to bribe anyone to do something charitable. That's why we're not buying candy.
Secondly, while we know that candy isn't the best nutritional choice, we do feel that everyone deserves a treat every now and then. Specifically, no one deserves a treat more than our soldiers and veterans. These men and women have risked life and limb to allow us to live the life that Americans are accustomed to. If we can put a smile on their face with a piece of candy then we're going to do it!
Finally, we are proud to be dentists in Farmington, CT and we are proud to be part of this Farmington, CT community.
We feel like our patients are family, and family helps family!
Hosting a Halloween Candy Give Back and supporting our schools is the least we can do to support this community.
Looking for a dentist in Farmington, CT? We're happily accepting new patients. Call us today at 860-676-2288. We look forward to seeing you.